New Hampshire Shoplifting Lawyer
Taking someone’s property or money without their permission is theft. If the property is in a store or shop it is commonly called shoplifting. Under New Hampshire theft law, shoplifting is called willful concealment.
The reality of shoplifting crimes is that the level of the offense charged is based on two primary factors: the value of the items allegedly stolen and the number of prior theft convictions on the person’s criminal record. Such elements can be best explained using a New Hampshire theft attorney.
If you are not a citizen, any potential theft conviction triggers potentially catastrophic consequences including deportation.
If you or a loved one have been charged with shoplifting, theft, or willful concealment, it is imperative that you contact a New Hampshire shoplifting lawyer right away, so they can begin building the most robust defense possible for your case.
Defining the Charge
Shoplifting is a crime where someone takes something of a certain value with the intent to permanently keep it. Shoplifting crimes usually take place in a store or mall setting. The merchandise itself or property taken does not have to be removed from the shop or store to complete the crime. Additionally, the value of the item stolen determines the charge and whether the crime is classified as a misdemeanor or felony. The higher the value of the item the more serious the criminal charge. Such charges can be argued down with the help of a shoplifting lawyer in New Hampshire.
All that must be proven is an intent to take property without authorization from the owner, an act in furtherance of depriving the owner of the property, and its value for the shoplifting charge in New Hampshire to result in a conviction.
Shoplifting is usually charged as a misdemeanor criminal offense, which is punishable by up to one year of incarceration and $2,000 in fines. Such penalties can be best avoided using a New Hampshire shoplifting lawyer.
Common Shoplifting Scenarios
Many stores have video and audio surveillance in addition to security that proactively look for signs of shoplifting. The cameras monitor people moving around the store, some security person or store personnel can monitor a shopper, or the shopper can set off inventory control detectors when they attempt to leave the store with stolen merchandise.
Keep in mind that the shoplifter does not have to exit the store to complete the crime. Placing the item in one’s clothing or hiding an item inside another item are enough for the prosecutor to obtain a shoplifting conviction.
Other ways in which shoplifting crimes are prosecuted are when a shopper allegedly alters or changes the price tags of an item because the person is intending to take something and pay less than value for it. Further elements can be explained using a shoplifting attorney in New Hampshire.
In any resolution of the criminal matter, restitution or paying the value of the item stolen to the store may be part of the disposition of the case.
Note that many stores that prosecute people for shoplifting ban the person convicted of shoplifting from ever shopping in their store again, and the court may ban the convicted person from a mall or store for a lengthy period of time.
Contacting a New Hampshire Shoplifting Attorney
If you are charged with shoplifting or petty theft, contact an experienced New Hampshire shoplifting lawyer to help you with your criminal charges.